Access Management
How to Protect Pages

How to Protect Application Pages

In the generated application rendering a specific react component is protected by the withAuthorization() method. This function is designed to handle access control in your application. It does this by checking if the current user has the required permissions to access a specific feature or resource before rendering the wrapped component.



To use the APIs you need to install ROQ React SDK @roq/nextjs.

Let's say we have a React component called <CommentCreatePage/> that's used for creating new comments:

function CommentCreatePage() {
    return (
		// UI code is here

and we need to ensure that this component can only be accessed by users who have the appropriate roles, access, and authorization.

import { AccessOperationEnum, AccessServiceEnum, requireNextAuth, withAuthorization } from '@roq/nextjs';
import { compose } from 'lib/compose';
function CommentCreatePage() {
    return (
        //UI code is here
export default compose(
    redirectTo: '/',
    service: AccessServiceEnum.PROJECT,
    entity: 'comment',
    operation: AccessOperationEnum.CREATE,

The arguments passed to withAuthorization() include:

  • entity: The entity on which the operation is being performed.
  • operation: The type of operation being performed, which comes from the AccessOperationEnum (like CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.).
  • service: The service that this operation pertains to, which is part of the AccessServiceEnum.

The CommentCreatePage component is being wrapped with withAuthorization(). This means the user must have the create permission on the comment entity to access this page. If the user does not have the appropriate permissions, the user will be redirected to another route.

The compose() is simply a utility code to compose functions. It calls withAuthorization() first and then moves on to requireNextAuth().