Access Management
Cache Query Plans

Cache Query Plans

The access management in ROQ is based on query plans which ROQ computes based on the current user's permissions and the database tables. The buildQueryPlan() (opens in a new tab) method is used to create query plans and these query plans are created on production in the ROQ Platform.

If there are any changes made to role permission either through the ROQ Console or API, the query plans for the generated application will be updated accordingly. The SDK caches this query plan information locally and refreshes it only at specific intervals. This makes your application self-sufficient and not dependent on the ROQ Platform's availability.

Internally, in the generated application the queryPlans() (opens in a new tab) API is used to get the query plans from the ROQ Platform.

Local Cache

Initially, the generated application will check if the query plans are already cached locally. If not the initQueryPlanCache() will get the query plans from the ROQ Platform.

The initQueryPlanCache() method is in the @roq\prismajs package.

The query plans are cached in the node_modules\@roq\prismajs\dist directory, in the query-plans.json file.

	"": {
		"kind": "restricted",
		"queryPlan": {
			"from": "video",
			"to": "organization",
			"case": "many-to-one",
			"fromField": "organization_id",
			"toField": "id",
			"in": {
				"from": "organization",
				"to": "user",
				"case": "many-to-one",
				"fromField": "user_id",
				"toField": "id",
				"in": {
					"from": "user",
					"fromField": "roq_user_id",
					"userId": [
					"tenantId": null
		"role": "moderator",
		"entity": "video",
		"userIdField": "roq_user_id",
		"operation": "read"
	"": {
		"kind": "noAccess",
		"queryPlan": null,
		"role": "moderator",
		"entity": "video",
		"userIdField": "roq_user_id",
		"operation": "create"

The user interface in the ROQ Console explains the permissions and operations of a role in the query plans. For example, for the Moderator role:

query plan

This role doesn't have a create permission, so it has no access, and the queryPlan is null.

Force Update

There are a few ways to update the query plans in the generated application. You can do one of the following ways:

Using CLI

You can use the utility roq-authorization that already exists upon dependencies package installation

npx roq-authorization create-cache

the output depends on your operating system:

PS E:\_workspaces\ROQ\genapps\youtubiah-8b47> npx roq-authorization create-cache
info: query plan successfully cached to: E:\_workspaces\ROQ\genapps\youtubiah-8b47\node_modules\@roq\prismajs\dist\src\query-plans.json

Restart Application

The other way to force update the local query plans cache is by restarting the running generated application.